
Blanchard's SLII

Blanchard's SLII is the most comprehensive and practical method of effectively managing and developing people and businesses in the world.  Today, business' needs change rapidly therefore an agile, visionary and nimble leadership team is required. SLII provides leaders with the model and the tools for creating open communication and developing self-reliance in those they manage.  It is designed to increase the frequency and quality of conversations about performance and development. As a result, employee's competence is developed, their commitment is gained and talented individuals are retained. Leaders will learn the effective theory on Day 1 and will then put it into practice on Day 2. 

Who should attend?

This two-day course is suitable for leaders with a responsibility for performance management and employee development. We also recommend Blanchard's Self Leadership for your team. 

Course Content 

Day 1 - Blanchard's SLII Model 

  • What is your employee's development level? Commitment vs Competence
  • Which leadership style is appropriate for your employee? Directive vs Supportive
  • What is your preferred leadership style? SLII Questionnaire and an action plan to improve your less natural leadership style 

Day 2 - Putting it into Practice

  • The Performance Management Cycle
  • How to support and motivate high performing teams 
  • Leading and controlling challenging conversations
  • Practice holding challenging conversations with an action plan
  • How to utilise the SLII model in the workplace

The programme is designed to be highly participative and focused around making a difference in the business longer term as a result of a limited approach to people management.


Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate
Promote team accountability by empowering employees to provide own direction Learn good vocabulary and techniques to confidently support employees
Create a common and consistent language of performance between employee and leader Lead meaningful conversations and provide constructive feedback in performance reviews
Accelerate the pace and quality of employee development  Partner on performance by understanding different leadership styles to effectively respond to your environment 
Avoid misunderstandings and time wasting by facilitating open communication Develop your people management approach to ensure that you are managing efficiently 


To find out more about this course or to book on, just get in touch