
Blanchard's Self-Leadership

Blanchard's Self-Leadership development programme teaches individuals the mindset and skillset they need to become empowered, proactive self-leaders who take control of their own success and are committed to getting results for your organisation. The success of your company’s strategic initiatives depends on the commitment and proactive behaviour of those on the front line, that is  the individual contributors who are responsible for executing and making it happen. When you provide individual contributors with the Self-Leadership skillset and mindset, you build a healthy and empowered workforce that is accountable, innovative, and productive. Throughout each module, learners will refer to Blanchard’s SLII model.

This one day course is suitable for all team members to become pro-active self-leaders. It is also useful for anyone who wished to develop their leadership skills. We recommend running Blanchard's SLII for your management team in conjunction with this course.

Course Content

Mindset of Self Leader

Challenge Assumed Constraints
An assumed constraint is a belief that limits new experiences so during the workshop we challenge individual assumed constraints with a view to eliminating them

Activate points of power
Understand that we all have areas of power such as knowledge power and personal power. Points of power are identified and we explore how they can be used.

Be Proactive
Take responsibility for the support you need for your own development

Skillset of a self-leader

Goal Setting
Learn how to set your own SMART goals in line with business objectives

Recognising and assessing your competence and commitment to a goal or task

Communication Matching
Communication skills to get the leadership style that you need 


Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate
Employees take responsibility for achieving their own goals and progression Learn good vocabulary to enable you to find appropriate support       
People have confidence to approach the senior team with solutions rather than problems Feel empowered to speak up, share your opinion and take responsibility 
Create accountable employees with "I can do it" attitudes Understand where you need support by identifying own needs
Promote a common development language Know how to create achievable and realistic goals that align with business objectives
Employees know what good looks like Feel confident to ask for what you need

To find out more about this course or to book on, just get in touch