 James Birt Naylor Powell  

In our 20+ years, we have consistently delivered practical and effective training solutions to meet the ongoing needs of businesses of all sizes. We pride ourselves in keeping our training offering up to date and relevant, as well as providing training in skills and subjects that will always be recognised as essential for managers and business leaders.

We constantly review and develop our standard training courses to be the best possible fit to the widest audience, but are always ready to modify and adapt course content to fit the needs of individual business at any time.

Our most popular and regularly requested courses are featured below, but the modular format of our training design and the length of time we have been delivering it, means that we have a stockpile of training material and information from which we can readily compile multiple training solutions. If there a specific subject for which you require training within the spheres of leadership, management Human Resources, please ask us what we can do for you.

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What our clients are saying...

"Thatchers Cider is a proud family run business and have found HR Champions share the same values and beliefs in the way things should be done and how people should be developed. They understood our-long term vision which has allowed them to contribute to our Learning and Development strategy enabling continuous progress across our management teams and employees. HR Champions provide excellent leadership training..." 

Emma Cox, Head of Talent, Thatchers Cider Company

Blanchard's Self-Leadership development programme teaches individuals the mindset and skillset they need to become empowered, proactive self-leaders who take control of their own success and are committed to getting results for your organisation. The success of your company’s strategic initiatives depends on the commitment and proactive behaviour of those on…
Blanchard's SLII is the most comprehensive and practical method of effectively managing and developing people and businesses in the world. Today, business' needs change rapidly therefore an agile, visionary and nimble leadership team is required. SLII provides leaders with the model and the tools for creating open communication and developing…
Coaching employees to improve their performance is not a simple task. Whether it be training or performance management, the managers in your business need to know how to get the best out of employees. These coaches will be able to ask fewer but better quality questions as well as adapting…
Our communication workshop is designed to harmonise, motivate, and connect teams with the skills and know-how to promote effective communication in the workplace. Businesses risk losing time, money and staff because of poorly communicated messages or ambiguous instructions. Successful communication is not just about colleagues having a conversation but also…
Fake it ‘til you make it is the old saying suggesting if you imitate competence, optimism, and confidence, you will realise those qualities in real life. However, the workplace requires managers who will perform their duties with ease and won’t be held back by self-imposed barriers. Confidence is a powerful…
Achieving and maintaining a high performing team is challenging. A confident manager is key to unlocking the potential of an exceptional team and elevating individual managerial performance. Our training instils the self-assurance needed to navigate the complexities of team management and drive success. The training goes beyond theoretical concepts and…
In July 2023, the UK government announced the Bullying and Respect at Work bill which seeks to legally define bullying, provide a Respect at Work code and overall create a framework to protect employers and employees. This will ensure all employees' 'Dignity at Work'. Being treated by others with courtesy…
Eisenhower stated that “leadership is getting people to want to do what you want them to do”. Within the workplace, effective leadership is the ability to successfully influence and support a team. A manager will agree targets, provide feedback and ensures the team has the right resources. To step up…
In July 2023, the UK government announced the Bullying and Respect at Work bill which seeks to legally define bullying, provide a Respect at Work code and overall create a framework to protect employers and employees. This will ensure all employees' 'Dignity at Work'. Dignity at Work describes how we…
The CIPD states that equality means making sure everyone can access the same opportunities. Diversity means valuing the differences between people. Inclusion is a measure of how safe employees feel in their working environment. The ‘Indeed: Time to Change’ 2021 report found that 60% of senior managers and HR professionals…
Rewarding a high performing employee with a promotion to manage their peers is a widely accepted business practice. However, the transition from successful employee to successful manager isn’t as straightforward as a new job title and a pay rise. Your best salesperson can become your worst sales manager because they…
Do you want to upskill your managers and get money back? Is your company based in Worcestershire or do you have employees that live in Worcestershire? If you do, then you might be eligible for the SkillsBoost Worcestershire programme. This is a new funding scheme to help organisations with the…
This course is designed to build a manager's confidence in handling difficult conversations with employees. Failing to have difficult conversations hinders business growth, team-building and team productivity. We believe that it is only a perception that conversations can be difficult. Perceived difficult conversations can often result in conflict as both…
Our expert HR consultants have designed this in-depth course to support your managers and business with their day-to-day HR banes. HR can be a tricky field to navigate. Line managers may feel their best option is to immediately escalate issues to HR or senior line managers. However, our course will…
Insights Discovery is a simple and accessible four colour model based on the Carl Jung’s theory of preferences that help us understand ourselves and others. Every person has all four colour energies within them; it is the combination of these energies which creates each unique personality and helps us to…
This course is designed to equip managers and those who have a people responsibility with a comprehensive understanding of the essentials within employment law. When facing a difficult employee problem, managers may immediately escalate to HR because they are not confident with the intricacies of employment law. It’s imperative that…
Dealing with the demands of workplace change is the biggest challenge facing every business today. Change can be hard even for the most loyal of employees, however it is necessary for a business to continually evolve to align with dynamic business needs and technological development. To create an environment where…
When working in hospitality, your legacy is your customer service and the lasting impression you have on your customers. You want people to enjoy and have respect for themselves and others so that their experience is positive. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The classic situations exist: someone thinks…
This course is designed to build the manager's confidence in understanding mental health conditions and holding conversations with team members around mental health. With 25% of employees suffering from a mental health condition, ACAS has released reasonable adjustments for mental health. Mental health related issues cost UK businesses £34.9 billion…
In today's dynamic and interconnected business landscape, it is crucial for HR professionals to recognise their pivotal role in shaping not only the strategic direction of the company but also the culture that permeates throughout. As stewards of both company vision and workforce morale, HR professionals and senior managers play…
Our Practical HR for Managers training programme is designed to equip line managers with essential HR knowledge and Employment Law know-how. By empowering managers to handle people and HR issues effectively as they happen or prevent them occurring in the first place, this training reduces the need for escalation and…
According to the Office for National Statistics, 1 in 5 UK workers experience sexual harassment in the workplace. The effects of sexual harassment in the workplace can be detrimental to both the business and employee. Business productivity is reduced. Employee’s mental health is harmed creating long lasting impacts that goes…
Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change and maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity. The last few years have demonstrated the importance of a resilient team. Equally, resilience in the workplace ensures employees cannot only deal with issues but overcome them…
Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change and maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity. In the workplace, resilient teams are crucial for businesses to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles and achieve collective goals. From Covid-19 to the cost-of-living crisis, the events of…
This course is designed to provide delegates with the correct tools to train team members confidently enabling the team to do their job right. It can be a challenge to introduce new procedures and processes in your team especially if the team does not have a good teacher. You can…
Ensuring your team is not only compliant but also capable of working collaboratively to achieve business goals is a must. Investing in the development of the business’ most valuable asset – it’s people – is a driving factor to business success. By providing comprehensive training opportunities, companies foster an environment…
Unconscious bias is a term that describes the associations that are outside of our control. It is triggered by our mind automatically making assumptions about someone based on their visible characteristics, background, and even their voice. This course explains how we can overcome our unconscious biases to improve decision making…
Investigations are held to clarify and establish the facts of a case. It will potentially result in decision on whether to call a disciplinary or dismiss a member of staff. Conducting an investigation can be time-consuming and complicated. However, if carried correctly and in a timely fashion, an investigation can…