
Mental Health in the Workplace: Manager Skills

This course is designed to build the manager's confidence in understanding mental health conditions and holding conversations with team members around mental health. With 25% of employees suffering from a mental health condition, ACAS has released reasonable adjustments for mental health. Mental health related issues cost UK businesses £34.9 billion annually. With this skill-set, managers and team leaders will be able to support employees, discuss low performance related to mental health and direct employees to appropriate support services. Managers will then be able to embed a workplace culture where positive and comfortable conversations about mental health take place.

Support your team to be mentally healthy by intervening early and asking the right questions.

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for line managers, senior managers and HR professionals who are responsible for keeping teams mentally healthy and who have a familiarity with managing mental health in the workplace. 

Visit our Mental Health & Wellbeing page to discover how we can support your business with maintaining a mentally healthy team.

Course Content

Module 1
The Mental Health Continuum

Module 2
Employment law, Occupational Health within the context of Mental Health & ACAS code

Module 3
Using Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAP) in Supportive Conversations and Performance Reviews

Module 4
What are Mental Health Conditions: Understanding, Supporting, and Signposting your Team 

Module 5
Creating a Culture: Promoting Positive Mental Health and Well-being in the workplace 

Role play and interactive Sessions
Throughout the training there are role plays, interactive sessions and games to help delegates practise and understand the processes and methods


Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate
Increase chances of keeping a mentally healthy team  Build confidence in holding perceived difficult conversations - “Know What to Say”
Pro-actively pre-empt a mental health situation by facilitating an open culture around mental health Learn techniques to support meaningful conversations 
Reduce staff absences due to mental health conditions Appreciation of mental health conditions
Promote positive and productive conversations Skills and knowledge immediately implementable 

To find out more about this course or to book on, just get in touch