
Online L4 Certificate in Leadership & Wellbeing Management

Next Course Dates: 30th April, 14th & 28th May, 11th June 


Who should attend?

This course is perfect for line managers and aspiring senior managers. The vital training will bring an element of self awareness to the leader and aid them to better understand how to get the best out of the team. 

Why should you attend?

This four-day ILM course is designed to support those in senior positions consolidate their leadership experience and care for the team’s wellbeing whilst managing business objectives. This course is also aimed at aspiring senior managers who want to be successful in their next endeavour. How can a manager ensure that the business needs as well as the employee’s emotional and mental health are cared for whilst they are juggling clients and projects? Well, on this ILM course, the senior manager will learn key skills to do just that. To obtain the Certificate, delegates are required to submit an assignment following each day of learning. 

You'll need to complete the four modules which are delivered one per day over a morning and afternoon session; so that's four sessions you'll need to attend.


30th April, 14th & 28th May, 11th June  - BOOK NOW or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Can't make a date? Get in touch to discuss alternatives!

Get in touch to find out more or book online now

Module 1

Managing Mental Health in the Workplace:
• Organisational approaches to mental health including policies and strategies for mental health support
• Objective assessment of reasonable adjustments and mechanisms to provide appropriate feedback to individuals
• Communication styles, confidentiality agreements and behavioural adjustment
• Promoting positive mental health

Module 2

Individual Mental Toughness:
• The importance and implications of mental toughness.
• Where mental toughness makes a difference – performance, wellbeing, positive behaviours, and aspiration
• Effective goals setting and developing an action plan
• Discuss the potential implementation of digital aspects to support workload management

Module 3

Developing People in the Workplace:
• Examining the expectations and requirements of people
• Diversity in the workplace
• Understanding the causes of conflict
• Managing career development
• Methods of ensuring fair and objective assessment/appraisal, and mechanisms to provide appropriate feedback to individuals
• Developing a culture of learning

Module 4 

Solving Problems and Making Effective Decisions: 
• How to solve more complex problems that managers may be faced with in the workplace
• How to make informed decisions
• Use of digital solutions to help solve problems

Completion of this course entails delegates submitting 4 assignments within the deadlines communicated at the enrolment stage. 

Delegates will be required to attend all 4 training days. 

 Get in touch to find out more or book online now

Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate
Build inquisitive and understanding senior managers who can solve a problem before it escalates Develop the capabilities and personal awareness necessary for leadership
Support your well-being agenda with managers who are confident at creating mental health solutions Feel confident in knowing how to approach mental health in the workplace
Create a long term succession plan as managers can develop junior employees Be capable in constructively coaching colleagues’ work, skills and behaviour
  Feel self-assured when dealing with complex problems in the workplace

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