
Having Difficult Conversations at Work

This course is designed to build a manager's confidence in handling difficult conversations with employees. Failing to have difficult conversations hinders business growth, team-building and team productivity. We believe that it is only a perception that conversations can be difficult. Perceived difficult conversations can often result in conflict as both sides feel that they have been unheard and misunderstood. With our training, we aim to breakdown what makes a conversation difficult, teach the fundamentals of knowing what to say and how a manager can respond to employees. We will change the perception that conversations can be difficult. 

Develop a manager’s confidence in having what they perceive to be difficult conversations

Who Should Attend?

This course is suitable for line managers, senior managers and HR professionals who have a people management and performance management responsibility. This course can be complimented by our Communication in the Workplace training for your employees. 


Course Content

Module 1
What makes a conversation appear to be difficult?

Module 2
The consequences when these conversations don't happen

Module 3
"Know What to Say" - Having the conversations


Module 4
Understanding different communication styles and preferences 


Module 5
How to actively listen to find solutions

Role play and interactive Sessions
Throughout the training there are role plays, interactive sessions and games to help delegates practise and understand the processes and methods


Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate
Increase effective and to-the-point communication reducing potential conflict  Build confidence in holding perceived difficult conversations - “Know What to Say”
Create an open organisational culture which resolves issues before they escalate  Feel confident when communicating 
Confident managers work more efficiently  Understand how to react professionally during perceived difficult conversations
The team works more efficiently together because they have the confidence and resources to speak up Skills and knowledge immediately implementable 


To find out more about this course or to book on, just get in touch