
Ensuring Dignity at Work: Skills for Managers

In July 2023, the UK government announced the Bullying and Respect at Work bill which seeks to legally define bullying, provide a Respect at Work code and overall create a framework to protect employers and employees. This will ensure all employees' 'Dignity at Work'. Dignity at Work describes how we should treat colleagues in the workplace including respect for their values, qualities and differences. Today, there are now up to five different generations in the workplace, all who have varying sets of behaviours, values and beliefs. As a manager, it is your responsibility to deal with these situations on a case-by-case basis whilst maintaining the dignity of all stakeholders involved. Without it, a business can face high turnover, high absenteeism and an unmotivated workforce. Our training provides your mangers with the essential skills to ensure a fundamental understanding of dignity at work and a safe environment to ask any questions.

In October 2024, the Worker Protection Act will come into force. This legislation will place onus on the employer to protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. Whilst guidance is set to be released, training managers on their responsbilities is a good place to start.

Who Should Attend?

Suitable for line managers, senior managers and HR professionals who have a responsibility for safeguarding their team’s wellbeing and ensuring respect for all colleagues. It is complimented by our half day training course 'Dignity at Work Briefings for Employees'.

Course Content

Module 1 -

What is Dignity at Work and when do breaches happen?

Module 2 -

The characteristics and different types of discrimination

Module 3 - 

Need to know discrimination legislation

Module 4 -

Tips for holding perceived uncomfortable conversations 

Module 5 - 

How to contribute to a positive company culture



Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate 
Promote an inclusive culture where different generations work productively Knowledge of discrimination legislation to protect the business’ interest
Knowledge of discrimination legislation to protect the business’ interest Understand how to respond when employees feel their values are challenged
Creates zero tolerance policies to maintain the team’s dignity Develop staff relationships to recognise others needs as well as your own
Managers understand their legal responsibility to the team Have an appreciation of the different types of people you may work with



To find out more about this course or to book on, just get in touch