
Dignity at Work Briefings for Employees

In July 2023, the UK government announced the Bullying and Respect at Work bill which seeks to legally define bullying, provide a Respect at Work code and overall create a framework to protect employers and employees. This will ensure all employees' 'Dignity at Work'. Being treated by others with courtesy and dignity is something that we all naturally expect. Our place of work should be no different to any other environment, and we should be familiar with feelings of value, decency, and self-respect. Bullying and harassment undermine this dignity and, where such behaviour is unchallenged, it can soon become the norm and adopted as company culture. We now have five generations in the workplace. It has never been more pertinent to prevent bullying and harassment in the workplace by fostering a culture of respect for different values and inclusion for different beliefs. 

In October 2024, the Worker Protection Act will come into force. This legislation will place onus on the employer to protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. Whilst guidance is set to be released, training the team on their responsibilities is a good place to start.

Who should attend?

This course is ideal for all team members to perform their responsibility to Dignity at Work. This half day training can be complimented with 'Ensuring Dignity at Work: Skills for Managers'. 


Course Content

Module 1
What is Dignity at Work for Employees?

Module 2
The Law and Discrimination: Need to Know Legislation 

Module 3
The Characteristics and Different Types of Discrimination  

Module 4
Why do Breaches of Dignity at Work happen?

Module 5
Prevention is Better than Cure: Embedding a Positive Culture

Role play and interactive Sessions
Throughout the training there are role plays, interactive sessions and games to help delegates practise and understand the processes and methods


Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate 
Promote and drive a positive Dignity at Work culture Builds confidence in the team to recognise and challenge breaches of Dignity at Work
Facilitate cross-understanding of different employees’ value systems A safe environment to ask questions and know what to say in the workplace
Safeguard your team’s mental health and well-being Appreciation for colleague’s different values and beliefs 
Reduce litigation risk to business by educating team before escalation Skills and knowledge immediately implementable 

To find out more about this course or to book on, just get in touch