Event description:
You can expect discussion around the very latest news and thinking regarding HR and Employment Law.
Cathy will be leading the meeting and they'll be discussing the latest developments in HR, Employment Law and what's trending amongst our clients and in the wider HR community.
Employment Law Update:
With an uncertain legal landscape, and the potential for the introduction of more legislation changes than we’ve seen over the past decade, for employers it may seem overwhelming.
Let us break it down for you, as you join us to hear for what’s likely to come through in the Employment Rights Bill, what legislation has been passed already and what you as business owners, employers and managers need to do, to ensure you remain compliant.
We’ll give you a run down of what we know so far, what steps you’ll need to take and some key hints and tips to ensure you remain on the front foot.
Training and Management development:
“Preventing and managing under performance”.
If we had a £1 for every time someone has said to us “ So and so is not performing, I need to get rid of them!” We’d surely be retired by now.
This session takes delegates through insights on how to approach the performance management culture in the organisation and will provide top tips how to ensure that your performance management process is robust enough for 2025.
Do come and join us, meet other HR professionals and business leaders whilst enjoying a breakfast on us, learning and sharing ideas at the same time.
Please arrive from 08:45am to ensure you have time to enjoy a coffee or tea and enjoy breakfast. Presentations begin at 09:15am and we will aim to finish by 10:45am.
We have 90 places available on a first-come basis. Book your place by completing the registration details above. Please keep an eye on your Spam folder as system generated e-mails can very often become caught in Spam and security filters. If you have booked a space and cannot make the event, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can give your space to another attendee.
We look forward to seeing you in person on Thursday 6th March 2025.
Breakfast meetings are for business owners, managers, and those with HR responsibilities.
Terms and Conditions:
Our Breakfast Employment Law Update Meetings are free to attend for local businesses. Because we provide refreshments for the number of delegates booked and because spaces are limited, our only condition is that if you book a place, you attend the meeting. We reserve the right to charge £15 + VAT for delegates who book a place but fail to attend without giving at least 24 hours’ notice.
Unless you write/phone/or email us to opt out, you agree to photography and video recordings of the event to be taken to be used for our own promotional purposes.
This event is reserved for employers, corporate HR professionals, business owners, directors, managers and company HR representatives. It is not available to HR consultants, independent trainers, sole traders or organisations that might be seen as competitors of HR Champions Ltd. Please enter your correct details in the booking form as we will need these to contact you should an emergency or the the need to amend or cancel the event arise. HR Champions Ltd reserves the right to cancel any booking in which the full registration form is not fully completed, or if the booking is made by individuals outside of the criteria stated here.