
Uncovering Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias is a term that describes the associations that are outside of our control. It is triggered by our mind automatically making assumptions about someone based on their visible characteristics, background, and even their voice. This course explains how we can overcome our unconscious biases to improve decision making and professional relationships leading to open, inclusive and effective organisations. Unconscious bias can influence key decisions in the workplace and can contribute to inequality in, for example, recruitment, appraisals and promotions.  This course takes a straightforward look at one of the most important issues in diversity management.

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for managers with any recruitment and performance management responsibility. The course can also be adapted to enable the whole team to uncover their unconscious bias.

Course Content

Module 1 -

What do we mean by 'unconscious bias'?

Module 2 -

How to recognise natural biases that affect manage and employees in the workplace

Module 3 -

Creating a positive approach to difference

Module 4 - 

Harnessing the benefits of diversity for positive organisational value 

Module 5 -

Practical tips to uncover personal bias and manage inappropriate attitudes 


Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate
Ensures colleagues are accountable for their behaviour Identify possible bias in yourself and how to manage it 
Enhances recruitment, appraisal and promotion practices Understand how stereotyping can operate outside of your conscious awareness
Encourages an analytical and reflective management team Feel confident to challenge unconscious bias with colleagues and employees
Implement practical strategies to deal with subtle unconscious bias in the workplace Appreciation for the benefits of a diverse team 


To find out more about this course or to book on, just get in touch