
Resilience in the Workplace: Manager Skills

Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change and maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity. The last few years have demonstrated the importance of a resilient team. Equally, resilience in the workplace ensures employees cannot only deal with issues but overcome them and still succeed.  A manager plays a crucial role in fostering resilience within the team. By supporting resilience in the team, a manager facilitates meaningful communication, clarity, and direction. Managers will learn to build resilience of their teams and proactively support those who need assistance.

Who should attend?

Suitable for any manager who has a responsibility for employee wellbeing. Empower the team to overcome any situation by building resilience skills yourself. You can contact us for further information. 

Course Content

Module 1 -

What is resilience?

Module 2 -

The link between resilience, mental health and well being in the workplace.

Module 3 - 

Valuing you: how to build self worth as a manager to support the team. 

Module 4 - 

How to coach and provide feedback to the team.

Module 5 - 

Building resilience across the team; language techniques, practice and implementation 


Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate 
Improved strategic operations where the team adapt quickly to change  Feel confident in knowing what to say to support the team's resilience 
Increased productivity and attendance  Build individual resilience to reset and go again 
Employees are engaged in a supportive environment  Develop resilience building tactics to deal with business uncertainty 
Foster positive attitudes where setbacks are seen as learning opportunities enhancing innovation across the business  Manage and reduce the team's stress through meaningful resilience techniques 

 To find out more about this course just get in touch