




Accredited Skills for HR Professionals: Mental Health

In today's dynamic and interconnected business landscape, it is crucial for HR professionals to recognise their pivotal role in shaping not only the strategic direction of the company but also the culture that permeates throughout. As stewards of both company vision and workforce morale, HR professionals and senior managers play an indispensable role in driving a culture of openness, understanding, and support when it comes to mental health. We will explore the profound impact that mental health can have on individuals, teams and the business as a whole. We will then examine the strategies that you can embed to promote a positive workplace culture. 

This two day course, accredited by NUCO, is suitable for any senior manager or HR professional who has a responsibility for creating a positive workplace culture and supporting employee’s mental health. 

Course Content 

Day 1 - Level 2 First Aid for Mental Health 
  • What is First Aid for Mental Health: Understanding Your Responsibilities 
  • Understanding and Identifying Mental Health Conditions
  • Understanding Addiction: Drugs & Alcohol
  • Toolkit: Appropriate Services & Creating an Action Plan 
Day 2 -  Mental Health Strategy & Execution 
  • Understanding the Impact of Poor Mental Health on the Business 
  • Creating a Solid Mental Health Strategy
  • Who is responsible for Performance Management?
  • Offering Effective Support: Wellbeing Survey, Employee Assistance Programmes, building your portfolio of support


Benefits to the Business Benefits to the Delegate
Increase the chances of keeping a mentally healthy team Build confidence in holding perceived difficult conversations - Know What to Say
Create a positive workplace culture increasing employee engagement  Influence business culture by championing initiatives that prioritises mental health
Build an attractive employer brand  Have an appreciation for mental health conditions 
Avoid long-term sickness by recognising the early signs of poor mental health Develop trust and rapport with employees to conduct meaningful conversations  
Pay now, save later: poor mental health costs UK businesses £1,500 per employee Gain an accredited qualification 


Get in touch now to discuss your options